Facebook Ads Management and Marketing Services
BLCHost - Facebook Ads Management and Marketing Services helps business who wants to run Facebook-Ads Campaigns for there business but they either not get time to learn the curves or they not get much time to manage and optimize campaigns.
 We @ BLCHost - Manage our clients FB-Ads campaigns and they do what they do best, manage there own business. We do all creative designing, video-ads shots, Content writing for FB-Posts & try to optimize campaigns, So the Ads cans cost them lowest price possible.
 Facebook Marketing is one of Top trending marketing, because it helps to get traffic, conversion, or even just Brand Awareness You can do everything or anything with Facebook-Ads.
 With Proper Competitor analyzing tools, Skills to see what Ads works for what type of Business and what Audience is Good for your business, We can help you all way possible.

Facebook Marketing - Starter


10000- / Rs

-One Post on Your Facebook Page Weekly.
-1 FB-Ads Campaign Per Week.
-Likes/Followers Campaign =No.

Ads Funding Costs not included in Our Management Fee.
Select Plan

Facebook Marketing - Professional


20000- / Rs

-One Post on Your Facebook Page Weekly.
-5 FB-Ads Campaign Per Week.
-Likes/Followers Campaign =Yes.

Ads Funding Costs not included in Our Management Fee.
Select Plan

 Our Consultancy Does not Include Your Ads-Funds Costs. It is Our Fee to Manage your FB-Ads Campaigns. We do not take any profit from sales, Your Sales = Your Profits.  
 This Service is Best suitable for Small Business, E-Commerce Store Owners, Shopify Store Owners Or any other type of Business.